Summer is the perfect time to stay on track, get ahead or learn something new. Whether you’re continuing your education, just getting started or looking to build new skills, UAF Community & Technical College offers flexible summer courses to fit your schedule.
Choose from in-person or online classes in business, health, early childhood education, fitness, writing and more. Take your laptop outside and enjoy the sunshine while keeping up with your studies!
Summer class options:
Two six-week sessions: May 19 – June 27 and June 30 – August 8
Full twelve-week session: May 19 – August 8
Summer registration is open! Check out the full list of summer courses below and click on a course name for details. Some have unique start and end dates, so be sure to review the schedule carefully.
Need help registering? Visit our Registering for Classes page or contact UAF CTC Student Services to connect with someone in person.
Don’t let summer pass you by—enroll today! ☀️
ABUS F101 Accounting I 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F141 Payroll Accounting 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F154 Human Relations 3.0 CR 05/19-07/19
ABUS F154 Human Relations 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F155 Business Math 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F161 Personal Finance 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F175 Customer Service 3.0 CR 05/19-07/19
ABUS F220 QuickBooks Accounting 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ABUS F264 Records Management 3.0 CR 05/19-07/19
ABUS F265 Emerging Marketing Trends 3.0 CR 05/19-07/19
CITS F204 Introduction to Computer Networks 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
CITS F241 Network/LAN Infrastructure Basics 4.0 CR 05/19-08/08
DEVS F111 Math Study Skills 1.0 CR 05/19-06/27
ECE F104X Child Development I: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ECE F104X Child Development I: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ECE F107X Child Development II: The Preschool and Primary Years 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ECE F140 Positive Social and Emotional Development 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ECE F210X Child Guidance 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
ECE F229X Foundations in Nutrition and Physical Wellness 3.0 CR 05/19-08/08
FIRE F131 Firefighter I, Series I 3.0 CR 06/30-08/15
FIRE F133 Firefighter I, Series II 3.0 CR 06/30-08/15
FIRE F135 Firefighter I, Series III 3.0 CR 06/30-08/15
FIRE F137 Firefighter I, Series IV 3.0 CR 06/30-08/15
HLTH F100 Medical Terminology 3.0 CR 05/19-06/27
HLTH F107 Nurse Aide Training 9.0 CR 05/22-06/27
HLTH F114 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4.0 CR 06/30-08/08
HLTH F122 First Aid and CPR for the Health Care Provider 0.0 CR 08/05-08/07
HLTH F130 Medical Office Terminology 3.0 CR 05/19-06/27
HLTH F203 Science of Nutrition 3.0 CR 05/19-06/27
HLTH F208 Human Diseases 3.0 CR 06/30-08/08
HLTH F236 Outpatient Healthcare Reimbursement 3.0 CR 06/30-08/08
MATH F068 Math Essentials 4.0 CR 05/19-08/08
MATH F105N Intensive Intermediate Algebra 4.0 CR 05/19-08/08
RECR F120C Beginning Yoga 1.0 CR 05/19-08/08
RECR F120F Exercise and Fitness 1.0 CR 05/19-08/08
RECR F120H Multi-Fitness Conditioning 1.0 CR 05/19-08/08
RECR F140Y Kayaking 1.0 CR 07/08-07/17
RECR F170P Introduction to Arctic Backpacking 1.0 CR 06/13-06/22